What are some common misconceptions about UV protection and sunglasses?

There are several common misconceptions about UV protection and china mens sunglasses, including:

Price equals quality

Many people assume that the more expensive the sunglasses, the better the quality and UV protection. However, the price of sunglasses does not necessarily reflect the level of UV protection or quality.

Dark lenses offer better UV protection

The darkness of the lenses does not necessarily indicate the level of UV protection. In fact, some dark lenses can actually reduce contrast and make it more difficult to see in certain conditions.

All sunglasses offer UV protection

While many sunglasses offer UV protection, not all do. Always check the label or ask the salesperson to confirm the level of UV protection.

Only wearing sunglasses on sunny days

UV radiation can still be present on cloudy or overcast days, so it’s important to wear sunglasses for UV protection even when it’s not sunny.

You only need to protect your eyes outdoors

UV radiation can also be present indoors, especially near windows. Consider wearing sunglasses or UV-filtering lenses in bright indoor environments as well.

By understanding and correcting these common misconceptions, you can choose sunglasses that provide the best protection for your eyes and maintain good eye health.